Online Marketing
Marketing online
Promote your brand, your values, products and services all over the world. Internet is the new battlefield for business offering biggest opportunity for growth on most economic sectors; we deliver excellent B2B/B2C search engine marketing services within budget prices. We are right at your side. We bridge your way to success.
What is online marketing?
For sure there are many refinements to this definition, but roughly online marketing consists in grouping professional disciplines aimed at the creation, promotion and sale of brands, products and services; all of these in the context of the Internet. We represent the segment of comprehensive web projects typically integrating:
- Website development (CMS based online assets)
- Organic search optimization (SEO)
- Search Engine Advertising (SEA)
This online marketing traces a circle in which our projects fall, spinning around 3 basic pillars: implementation, promotion and analytics.
From moment zero your online presence project will count on a dedicated bodyguard caring for your present and future needs and interests, specially for those you did not even think about yet.
Where you see a tree, we see a forest...
eData is basically a digital marketing agency based on technique, this is to say, our effort relies on edge web development totally oriented to search engines visibility, devoted to make your web project visible for organic search with SEO (aka web positioning) in the base of the pyramid. Depending on your project needs we will join in with parallel disciplines like Adwords campaigns or Social Media strategies.
What are the benefits of online marketing?
Online marketing has usually a big difference from the rest of channels: it has the best cost/impact ratio.
Web promotion is favorites for not needing large fixed costs or immobilized assets: costs are moderate, known, agreed and new trends come as anticipatable changes. Another strength of the web channel is its immediacy, ubiquity and measurability: ie things pick up pace quickly, for all markets that you need to cover and you might have very detailed information of what happens within your digital assets, with which you can get to produce business intelligence.
We can follow through the list of goodnesses, but it will be for sure far more interesting answering your specific questions!
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Client Portfolio
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A website without SEO is an opaque showcase. Do not consider creating a website without the intention to be proactive in web positioning because it will be a failed investment.
SEO audit
SEO audits are analysis focussed on a given website and they exist because this is not a perfect world where websites are designed and developed with SEO in mind from the beginning.
Specialized SEO
Our extensive experience in the market as consultants allow us to offer our specialized SEO services in a wide range of economic sectors and specific niches.
Ranking Reports
Monitor your ranking on SERPs and lern about its evolution over time in parallel with your competitors. It is not enough doing SEO, you need to see its effects in order to take rightful decisions.
Adwords - PPC
Our mission consists in attracting traffic to your website and we will use as well pay per clic campaigns as it allows a higher precission than organic SEO. Try our Adwords campaigns in Spanish.