Descripción del Proyecto

Migración web sin Pérdida de posicionamiento SEO para el portal corporativo de Gas Natural, colaborando con la agencia King e-Cliente (KEC).

  • Cliente: Gas Natural Fenosa
  • Fecha Inicio: 01-03-2012
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Web positioning monitoring:

- Classification of reports on the master list of control keywords and benchmarking with the competition.

Web analytics and reporting:

- Analysis of conversion problems and recurring reports using Google Analytics and Search Console. Regular evaluation and approximation reports for obfuscated keywords (Not Provided).

SEO Audit / Consulting:

- Consulting and consulting on best practices and SEO development suggestions for Fatwire.

Meetings of control:

- Monthly meetings of control, presentation of conclusions and deliverables.

Analysis and evaluation of performance with Sistrix:

- We use Sistrix (SEO modules, Links, SEA and Optimizer) applied to the analysis to improve the behavior of the landing pages and the portal in general.

SEO training for project members:

- We have specific groups of training in content creation optimized through various stages.