Customer description:

Love Events is a company specializing in organization and management of international events, highlighting its many successes related to face-to-face championships sponsored by PokerStars, the online poker giant.

Love Events - PokerStars ETP Montecarlo

The Love Events web project went on through the Summer of 2015, being exceptionally made with WordPress CMS by specific need of Ekosistema, one of our partners among other communication and design agencies in Barcelona.

This entirely new website creation project was not particularly difficult, with a lot of original images taken during the celebration of the many events that Love Events attends throughout their activity.

It turned out to be a very demanding customer in the details and very grateful to the effort made, which we had occasion to help recently (February 2017) again because of a WordPress problem outside our work and responsability.

Love Events - Services

Client data:

Love Events

Sector: Services
País: España
Dirección: Teodor Bonaplata, 2, 1º 4ª
Código Postal: 08004
Localidad: Barcelona
Provincia: Barcelona
Teléfono: +34 933 256 777

Client Portfolio